Conditions of Use
This website was created for publishers Pabst & Pesch (“P&P“). Access to this site implies knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions:
Website ownership. The domain names and are registered for “Pabst & Pesch,” Tax No. (NIF) X0116735X, whose business address is c./ Vidal i Quadras 4; E-08017 Barcelona, Spain. Telephone +34639015419.
Industrial and intellectual property. All intellectual and industrial property rights over contents of this portal and its graphic design are owned solely by P&P or by third parties who have authorised or delegated in P&P the exercise of such rights. Therefore, any reproduction; distribution; communication to the public; total or partial transformation is prohibited unless expressly authorised by P&P. Moreover, all distinctive signs, marks, trade names or signs of any kind on these website ate protected by law.
Website content and links. P&P is not liable for misuse of the contents of its website, which is the sole responsibility of whoever accesses or uses such contents. Neither is P&P liable for information on any third-party websites which might be accessible through P&P’s website. Such links merely serve information purposes and are no invitation to contract products or services offered on or through the target website. Should P&P become effectively aware of the fact that an activity or information to which such links refer is unlawful; a statutory crime or misdemeanour; or amount to an infringement of third-party property or other rights liable to indemnity claims, P&P shall act with the required diligence to suppress or deactivate the links at issue as swiftly as possible.
Updates of and changes to the website. P&P reserves the right to update; modify; or delete information available on its website as well as the configuration or presentation of such information at any time without prior announcement and subject to no liability.
Indications regarding technical aspects. P&P is not liable for any technical problems or errors in IT equipment which P&P has not itself caused either during a connection to the Internet; nor for any harm caused by third-parties through illegitimate interference beyond P&P’s control.
P&P does not warrant that its website is free of viruses or other elements which may cause harm to IT systems; electronic documents; or files of users of P&P’s website or of third-party websites. Therefore, P&P shall not be liable for any harm due to such viruses or elements.
Neither shall P&P be liable for any damage or prejudice suffered by the user as a consequence of mistakes; defects; or omissions in the information which P&P has taken from third-party sources.
Treatment of the user’s personal data. Without prejudice to the indications on each webform, whenever the user transmits personal data, [s]he is expressly authorising the automated processing of such data by P&P for the purposes stated in such forms. P&P have notified such processing to the Spanish Data Protection Authority (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos).
P&P may incorporate any data transmitted by the user into a database held by P&P, registered under No. 2091321389. Conversely, P&P shall not transfer or communicate to third parties, without the user’s consent, any data received from the user. To this end, before transmitting any personal data received from any user to a third party, P&P shall request the express consent of such user, to whom P&P shall indicate what data are necessary to identify each recipient of of such data as well as the purpose of each transmission thereof.
The user may exert her/his right of access; rectification; cancellation; or opposition·submitting a request to P&P either by postal mail (P&P, P.O. Box 5012, E-08080, Barcelona, Spain) or by e-mail ([email protected]). Any information received P&P shall use at all times with due confidentiality and secrecy. P&P shall adopt the technical and organisational means required to warrant the safety of data and avoiding the alteration of; loss of or unauthorised access to such data. Such confidentiality obligations shall subsist after the end of the commercial relationship.
Cookies Advisory. P&P advises that its website may use cookies. The user may impair the download of such cookies making the appropriate adjustments to her/his browser software.
Applicable law and jurisdiction. In general terms, relations with users derived from the provision of services through this website shall be governed by Spanish law and brought under the jurisdiction of the courts at Barcelona, Spain.
The users of this website are aware of the terms and conditions of use stated above and voluntarily accept such terms and conditions. Thank you.