Blai Bonet i Rigo

(Santanyí, 1926-1997) A poet, a novelist and an art critic marked by his adolescence and youth, which he spent, first, at the seminar in Palma (1936-1943) and, later, badly suffering from tuberculosis, at the Caubet sanatory. Religion and illness became two of the great topics throughout his work, which won the praise of well-known writers such as Carles Riba. He published poetry as of 1950 and his first novel in 1958: El Mar (The Sea, winner of the 1957 Joanot Martorell Prize; whose German translation P&P will publish soon), a milestone for Catalan  language literature in the 20th century. Also remarkable are Judes i la primavera (Judas and Spring, 1963) and Míster Evasió (Mister Evasion, 1969).


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