The Publisher
The Publisher
Ours is contribution to making authors from Catalan-speaking areas better known in the German-speaking world and the reverse, with a special emphasis on the so-called Belgian Eastern Cantons and other border regions of German tongue, on issues of cultural, linguistic and political belonging, on roots.
Pabst and Pesch are two old Raeren families, whose members now live all over the world. Both families always stood up for progressive ideas and projects as well as for cultural initiatives in their home town, for instance through the Lovius Foundation. Our publishing house is set to continue this tradition at the family house in Raeren-Knipp.
We aim at promoting in the German-speaking areas the culture of another region which particularly resembles the Belgian Eastern Cantons and which has become home to a part oft the Pabst family, namely the Catalan-speaking area.
Pabst & Pesch is also keen to act as a reverse intermediary, having books originally written in other languages, notably German and in particular works of Eastern-Belgian authors, translated into Catalan. As the name oft two of our collections gives away, our books all feature elements that have always been peculiar to border regions such as the Eastern Cantons: marching and travel routes, paths across landscape or cultures, life itineraries, roads into the future.